Monday, January 2, 2012


this boy did go to sing carols with his violin

marathon 1930- Argos's forefather, picture taken at the souvlaki place
a lot of cooking, baking, eating
new years day at the beach.. boys and dogs
i think we burned our whole supply of wood..
tomorrow my eldest son and his dad leave again. it was soo good to be all together these days.
I was having coffee with a friend, telling her that there are three things I want to do -keep in mind- practise this year: live every day, every moment, breathe through the soles of my feet, and love, wholly, totally, everything.

and while i was speaking the alley where we were sitting was filled with music- dauli and zurna- very loud.
and I remembered how this magical, mystical music has been part of the most important moments in my life, pushing me into the realisation of truth through its power
(the video is from youtube -for the flavour)

wishing all the best for all
may it be a good one!


Yvette said...

The same for you Manya! And lots of magic of course!

Martine said...

Ahhh breating trough the soles of your feet is good.... its clears the head.
A wonderful new year for you Manya!

Penny Berens said...

Visiting you, Manya always makes for a perfect start to my day and now it is the perfect start to a whole year. Thank you and a wonderous year to you too.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

i turned it up loud, grabbed a
piece of cloth and danced around the sewing doortable in circles...
imagining you dancing with me...
oh, yes....a new year....
BIG love, g

jude said...

here here!

neki desu said...

such great spirit!

Manya Maratou said...

yvette magic is where we see it-lots of love

Manya Maratou said...

martine, thanks, may you have a wonderful year too

Manya Maratou said...

Penny, thanks, I drop by often to take a peek at your exotic, wondrous world- all the best for you

Manya Maratou said...

Grace, it does set thing in motion- here's to a dancing new year!

Manya Maratou said...

jude! where?here?there? everywhere!

Manya Maratou said...

neki you're welcome! happy new year!

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