the sun shines in my eastern window. i've hung graces cloth there, my eyes feast on it, admiring. ideas are coming about how to turn it into a storytelling cloth, but not the story. not yet. just enjoying, and wondering at the beauty of the cloth and the gesture. it makes me happy.

this is another gift. took he picture because I liked the way it looked all jumbled up. woven from our native coarse wool, here in the village, must be very old- it was made by the grandmother of someone who is a grandmother herself.

did a little piecing experiment:
picked three scraps from ever expanding scrap bag
no waste, use it all up, cut after making the seam. it helped that one was a strip.
started with no plan or measurement
like it so much i've been carrying it around in my pocket for a few days

medusa the gorgon in the making
want her to be terrifying
but still to be able to receive a tender glance

layered charm

it has me thinking of a double sided cloth with all the layers visible at the seams

the family are safely back home, the little one is safely here, his brother and father are safely back in Warsaw, and I am here, blessed.
Bless you all this new year, may the light shine through all clouds and worries.