Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
felt fun
my sons were with me last night, peering over my shoulder, while I was looking at dories site and following links about Mehmet Girgic, master felter from turkey
the boys said they would like to try that
and then I remembered I had a fleece in my cupboard, given to me by a student from a workshop where we were illustrating the Odyssey
the wool was for the cyclops
her mother had sent it to her from the village. It has been washed very well, but it is not carded.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
as I was walking down the street...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
nothing much
very hot- you need potholders to move this
this I am proud of.

after the workshop with the actors my fingers were itching for something to do, so I made a little mini woollen scarfthing on a small frame loom. I used yarn I had dyed myself, experiments that had turned out mainly tannic subcolour. I then spent half the night fulling it between my fingers and palms till it was properly felted, like a shepherds cape, real hard, then I bundled it up around a moroccan souvlaki stick with eucalyptus leaves collected from Koumoundourou square and some cotton fabric purchased in the area and simmered it in a tea of oak bark and more eucalyptus. I let it stand in the sun for a couple of days and then I got impatient and unbundled it.
I am very pleased with it. now for the large frame loom.....
and maybe mud

lesson of the day
never browse the internet while dyeing. your house may burn down.
do not leave dye projects alone, they might get creative.......
Thursday, May 7, 2009
koumoundourou square

we collected leaves and some seed pods from the trees on the square: eucalyptus and brachychiton. (my son and I did the collecting.with the actors it was storytelling)There were'nt as many leaves on the ground as you would expect from so many old trees, because the municipality of Athens keeps sweeping the square
it is in the middle of the historical centre of the town. at all hours of the day and night there are people sitting and lying on the ground
illegal immigrants, homeless people, drug addicts
little clusters of "special" police- always in the better lit places and never solitary
the government calls the periodic "cleaning up" operations - removal of these people from common view- "sweep-ups" "operation broom"
so the square is very clean.
they sweep up the people, and they sweep up the leaves.
on the way back telemachus made this picture, from the car.
Saturday, May 2, 2009