will be posting more..just at the jotting down stage, but I want to document thoughts on an idea
on Sunday is World Storytelling Day, and we're organising an event at the museum of ceramic art, where the lessons of the school of storytelling take place
this year the theme is water. I am going to tell of a storyteller telling tales unceasingly to the ocean which listens, dreaming, quiet. No one knows what the ocean will do if the storyteller falls silent..
this, according to Jean-Claude Carriere is an ancient persian legend
I heard it for the first time in Cadiz, Spain, facing the Atlantic ocean
I told it for the first time on the day the tsunami hit indonesia
it is time to tell it again.
I will also set up a little frame loom and place beside it scraps of indigo cloth and pens, so anyone that wants to can write a wish or a prayer and weave it into the loom to make a cloth
create a moment of silence, of breathing in and out and making a wish of love for the people hurt by the tsunami, the world that needs mending
thinking of the cranes for Hiroshima
I have only just sent a first message to other tellers organising events these days for world storytelling day telling about this idea and already I have a first response from far away
the idea is to gather these scraps and patch them together into a comfort cloth
and find a way to send it give it to japan
(this part needs some working out- maybe the embassy once things start rolling)
and to activate mythologue, the open meeting of storytellers who got together and told stories in Athens after three people were killed in a fire during protests
and organise a mythologue event, and make more wishing prayer cloths
and ceremonies of mending
and at schools and in the tent
and anyone who feels like it can send a prayer scrap, or a cloth of scraps for the cloth
i think blue, indigo is the colour
what do you think?
all the preocupation with boro is maybe bearing fruit
ah yes, today I received news that the attikasos reforestation is finally going to take place..