but thread, cloth, weaving.. sewing with thread, weaving sewn cloth, stitching woven threads, stars in the sky, waves on the beach, trees in a forest

and a hare that jumped on to my woven?stitched? cloth

the road weaving the fogcloth

weaving for protection

this is a woven sack that sits in the bread room in the folklore museum in Varnavas, the wool is very coarse, must be goat hair, I am wondering what it was dyed with. Probably chemical dyes that were sold by wandering merchants- the lore of dyeing from plants is lost to living memory, unfortunately, the best I've heard was "oh yes, my grandmother used a yellow flower.."

foggy warm humid
african dust turned mud all over everything
still in transition
something is coming
maybe it will appear in the fog, where everything is possible