so it happens that I am alone at home for three days. A true holiday, a difference. Also, there is a heatwave. 40C in the shade. limiting movement, and food, and sleep.
so how to fill absence in a heatwave?
reflecting, sweating, musing, watering, myself, plants, myself.
the vat is at its happiest
stitching is ok, especially if I don't get too fussy
at night I play around with positioning cloths
basting sometimes
made a little blue ridinghood with the cutouts from beachcloth and sea cloth. I think I'll give her a pink madder wolf.
cat, owl, fish is an applique sampler
oh yes, dyeing cloths
sort of madly dyeing- there's nothing like a heatwave to bless pots
also preparing bundles, because a longer absence is in the near future, the best recipe to leave them alone
I surprised a gecko in a bag of leaves
I live with colonies of them, they are vociferous and entertaining
and they eat moths, mosquitoes etc
say hello to grace, mr gecko
the window is from kythera, a seaming window
you can see more of my dyeing on flikr, there on the right
Your dyeing looks wonderful. x
I can see how hot it was because that little beastie is jumping to not get his feet burned............
Manya, love your dyeing on the washing line. It is always such fun when you unravel them to see what they have become isn't it.
Dear Manya, I share your feeling of being on my own with my fiber stuff with you - my kids are on holiday in Greece!
You're dyeing, I'm spinning my handdyed fibers - nevertheless, it's good to have time on your own sometime inbetween - and my 'gecko' around is a toad!
I enjoy seeing your work very much!
read this post breathing slow, mouth hanging open..can feel your
heat, the dreamy quality of it all
and i heard an odd small sound that i am taking to be gecko's
i love your posts, manya....
jasmine, thank you
martine, so its the heat! I thought it was the gecko-dance:-)
welcome, pennyb, it is a pleasure, thats why nI like to leave little bundles when I'm going to be away.I get to open little packages of surprises when I get back
Anneli, the quality of energy in the house changes comletely, no? have a good time!
grace, hiiiiiiii. these geckoes have very soft high pitched voices like hoarse mice. they fight often, and I sometimes see very dramatic action scenes played out on the wall at night when they are hunting. sometimes they fall with a plop. they are very funny when they move, sort of wiggly-dancy. there is nothing funnier than when they have caught a moth or dragonfly, I'm sure they have a gloating smile!(with insect bits sticking out of their mouth)xxx
Wow what beautiful dyeing.
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