a bit farther away

the carpet, changing every day


tiny lovelies

anemones, lots of these, too

the dogs were anxious that something had happened to me, I was lying on the ground to get the close pictures

the soaking seeds gave colour, promising

spindles and a raglady

this is the alkanet dyed wool yarn from last year. it was a bright purple, quickly turned to grey, the camera sees more purple in it than I do. it was not really exposed to sunlight, it faded anyway. It is a great grey, a lovely colour, I want to try it on cotton and linen....soon

this is purple basil and coreopsis on silk. (different dyebaths, of course, not mixed) the coreopsis is really spectacular, last years plants are still there, I am looking forward to their flowering this year.

this is the time of year, the season when last year I began to be interested in dyes from plants. This year I want to document with pictures the explosion of wildflowers which lasts until May, when they all dry up and we cut them down, for fear of fires.
What gorgeous wildflowers! Love the color of the anemones, the silk... and the faded wool yard. What is the flower in the fourth photo? I've never seen that before. I hope you post your ragladies... I'd love to see them.
So - let's celebrate your first natural dyeing year ! Congratulations - you've done much interesting experiments and work in a single year! I always love to have a look at your pictures and descriptions and comments.
Ha! a celebration, yes, when I get the dyepots going there will be celebration...
the flower in the fourth picture is young euphorbia, I will make a better picture for you. it has a very irritating sap... not one of my favourites. I was glad to see some beauty in that one. your comment piecesofD sparked a post....hello, and thank you both for writing.
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